It is a great pleasure to present you this new version of our news website for the whole of Braj Mandal, Agratoday.in, more attractive and user- friendly than the earlier version.
When we launched Agralive.in three years ago, it became a kind of trend setter. The rechristened Agratoday.in has surprised us with a committed following and continuous feedback from our visitors, clients and patrons who have found the platform useful and unique.
Indeed in terms of sharing ideas, opinions and information Agratoday.in has scored quite a few successes. On several occasions breaking news stories much in demand these days, have been widely appreciated.
Many of you may have participated in the end of the year unique poll for the most popular personality of Agra. The tremendous response through emails and SMSs helped popularize the site, which now is poised for a make-over to attract the younger set.
Many new features are being added. We would however continue to evolve and rediscover ourselves in this process of up-gradation. So if you have any ideas please let us know.
My colleague Dharmendra Kumar and his team do not want to rest on the laurels and be easily satisfied. He is now keen to take bigger challenges and incorporate some more innovative designing. He promises this will definitely be a very interesting and useful website in days to come. Needless to say, the contents will receive our full attention and we will not shy away from calling a spade a spade where public interest is involved.
The answer to the question why this website? First there are a whole lot of people of Agra origin spread all over the world. They are keen to know what is happening back home. Two, the mainstream newspapers do not always have the time and space for views and information that affect their commercial prospects. Here our website intends filling the gap.
Let me now tell you about the new features that have been incorporated to give it a new look and prove more useful for our valuable fans and users.
Let’s start from the logo. Logo gives the prominent impression of cultural and traditional aspect of Braj region. The identity of Agra, The Taj Mahal and of Mathura-Vrindavan, Lord Krishna and Radha appear on the logo.
For smooth navigation, there are three Menus on site one by one. First is Main Menu, which have Links for various sections as ‘News’, ‘Braj Ke Gaurav’, ‘Students’ Corner’, ‘Just Books’ ‘Editorial’ and ‘Tourism’. Second, the Special Menu, has various columns of famous columnists on various contemporary issues.
The third menu is for the legal and advertisement aspects of the website. It includes ‘About Us’, ‘Advertisement Enquiry’, ‘Privacy Policy’ and ‘Legal Disclaimer’ etc. On the right panel of the site, there is a ‘Gallery’ which includes ‘Photo Gallery’ and ‘Cartoon Corner’ one by one. Below this, there are ‘Latest News’, ‘Popular’ stories, ‘Information’ and ‘Classifieds’ are given.
On left panel, there is a ‘Search’ field, by which users can search older stories on the website.
In the main body of the website, the top story is being presented with four other stories. Four more stories’ links are also provided at the bottom. Visitors would now be able to rate stories according to their interests and judgments.
Besides it, the story can be seen in PDF format, print can be taken and even one can send the story to friends. Related stories links also would be provided with each story. There would be more features for registered users. If they register themselves at below left panel.
RSS 2.0 version is also available for the visitors. With this service you can get the regular updates on your desktop. Even, you can add this service to your blog or Facebook profile.
A Poll Question has also been added.
Below, you will find information on how many visitors are viewing the site with you. We have only three advertisement modules to ensure visitors don’t get irritated or inconvenienced. All the advertisements would be shown in these three modules one by one. And, strictly ‘No’ to pop ups.
Now, I would like to share with you how I have been helped by my team mates who have put in a lot of hard work and imagination. I would like to name some of my friends who helped me in launching of this new version. Dharmendra Kumar, of course, leads the team, Sunil Kumar Sirij suggested the layout, color combination and Aarti Verma designed the logo and other banners.
Finally, we are committed to only good taste and we respect the privacy of every individual who needs his own space for self-growth. Whatever is in public interest and of interest to our readers and surfers, will find space on this site.
Your comments are always a source of guidance and inspiration.
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Subscribed to your blog, thanks
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