धर्मेंद्र कुमार
आज एक और हिन्दी दिवस मनाया जा रहा है। हिन्दी भाषा से बेइन्तहा 'लगाव' और 'भक्तिभाव' रखने वाले लोग हिन्दी का गुणगान कर रहे हैं और उसे आगे बढ़ाने के लिए कसमें खा रहे हैं। कुछ लोगों को कल तक यह सब याद रहेगा, कुछ कतई भूल जाएंगे और कुछ अपने भाषणों को अगले वर्ष काम में लाने के लिए संभालकर रख लेंगे। यह सब पिछले कई सालों से लगातार देखने को मिल रहा है...
लेकिन, क्या वाकई इस तरह के रूदन की जरूरत अब बची है... समय के बदलाव के साथ-साथ स्थितियां भी बदली हैं... हिन्दी उतनी 'दयनीय' नहीं रही है, जितना समझा जाता है। अगर इंटरनेट पर हिन्दी की उपस्थिति देखें तो यह तेजी से बढ़ी है। इंटरनेट पर सर्वाधिक पढ़ी जाने वाली शीर्ष भाषाओं में हिन्दी का नाम शामिल है।
जब देश आजाद हुआ था, बापू ने सुझाव दिया था कि भाषा को रोमन लिपि में प्रयोग में लाया जाए, जो बहुभाषी भारत की प्रकृति से मेल खाए। उनका कहना था कि इससे सामाजिक ताने-बाने को भी मजबूती मिलेगी। तब लोगों ने इसे एक कान से सुना और दूसरे से निकाल बाहर किया। वर्षों बाद इस जरूरत को, इस बाज़ार को, यूरोप और अमेरिका ने समझा... और हिन्दी सहित कई भाषाओं को अपने विभिन्न कंप्यूटर एप्लिकेशन्स में शामिल किया। तब से बाज़ार में जितनी भी वेब एप्लिकेशन्स आईं, उनमें हिन्दी एक तरह से अनिवार्य-सी हो गई है... और कम से कम इंटरनेट पर हिन्दी सामग्री में आई यकायक बाढ़ की यह बहुत बड़ी वजह है। देश में हिन्दी को पर्याप्त स्थान मिला हो या नहीं, विश्व पटल पर, इंटरनेट पर, हिन्दी स्थापित हो चुकी है। कोई कसर अगर रह गई है तो उसे 'बाज़ार' पूरी कर देगा।
अब सवाल यह है कि आखिर इस तरह की परम्परा शुरू क्यों हुई... क्यों इस तरह के वार्षिक रूदन कार्यक्रमों की ज़रूरत पड़ी... लेकिन इसका जवाब भी उन्हीं लोगों के पास है, जो इस दिन सबसे ज्यादा रोते हैं। अगर हिन्दी पत्रकारिता की बात करें तो इस पर अब तक साहित्यकारों का दबदबा रहा है। साहित्यकार अपनी क्लिष्ट भाषा में साधारणजन को अपनी बात समझाने की कोशिश करते रहे, जो उसके पल्ले ही नहीं पड़ती, और विचार का संचार ही नहीं हो पाता। अंग्रेजी सहित जिन दूसरी भाषाओं ने अपने ऊपर से साहित्यकारों का दबाव हटा दिया, ज़्यादा मुखर तरीके से लोगों से जुड़ाव रख पाईं...
लेकिन अब हिन्दी भाषा क्षेत्र में भी बदलाव आया है। पत्रकारिता जगत की हालिया कुछेक घटनाओं से यह साबित भी हुआ है कि हिन्दी भाषा अब अपने ऊपर से इस भारी आवरण को हटाकर खुली हवा में सांस लेने को आतुर हो रही है, ताकि वह आम आदमी तक आसानी से पहुंच सके। पत्रकारिता का उद्देश्य होता है कि लोगों की बात लोगों तक उनकी समझ में आ सकने वाले शब्दों में पहुंचाई जाए। वैचारिक खोखलेपन को शब्दजाल में बुनकर लोगों के सामने परोसने से उद्देश्य अधूरा ही रह जाता है। वह केवल 'स्टेटस सिंबल' बनकर रह जाता है। हिन्दी को अगर कोई नुकसान हुआ है या होना है तो वह इन्ही 'विद्वानों' की वजह से हुआ है। इन विद्वानों के बच्चे कॉन्वेंट स्कूलों में पढ़ते हैं और अंग्रेज़ी में 'हिन्दी' बोलते हैं।
साहित्य ही नहीं, पारंपरिक पत्रकारिता भी कई बार आम लोगों के गले नहीं उतरती, क्योंकि यहां भी भारी-भरकम शब्दों का प्रयोग कर उसे इतना गरिष्ठ बना दिया जाता है कि वह हज़म ही नहीं होता। यही वजह है कि अब स्वयं को पत्रकार न कहलवाकर एक 'कम्युनिकेटर' कहलवाने का स्वस्थ चलन शुरू हुआ है। इस विचार के पीछे यह मानना है कि साधारण बोलचाल के शब्दों का प्रयोग कर आप उस व्यक्ति से और निकटता स्थापित कर पाते हैं, जिसकी या जिसके लिए बात कहने का प्रयास किया जा रहा है। तब आप के ऊपर से साहित्य की रक्षा का दबाव हट जाता है। ऐसे कदमों से भाषा की समृद्धि के लिए रास्ते खुलते हैं और आज इनकी ज़रूरत है।
अब देखना यह है कि इस तरीके से अगले 'हिन्दी दिवस' तक हम सब अपनी भाषा को कितना समृद्ध कर पाएंगे, उसका प्रसार कर पाएंगे...
Monday, September 14, 2009
Monday, September 07, 2009
The Indian Street Dog
By Vasudha Mehta
Bureaucrats who retire do one of three things: they lobby to be appointed to some government body so that they can retain their houses; and more often than not they stand for Residents Welfare Associations so that they can bully someone or they write article for the newspapers and the less they know, the more they expound their theories…and more often than not for most RWAs across Delhi and NCR, their favorite subject is ‘Dogs in their colonies’…this article comes at a time when a group of people in Delhi have moved to the High Court with a plea to 'save them from their rabid neighbors'. This is perhaps their last resort to seek justice and peace of mind, because for far too long, many of these Delhiites had been ridiculed and abused, threatened and blackmailed by their (‘rabid’) neighbors for a ‘crime’ of theirs; the fault being that these group of people ‘loved and cared for the street dogs, their much friendlier neighborhood denizen’.
This article is a humble attempt to enlighten you all about our friendly neighborhood street dog and clear the facts about the utility of the Animal Birth Control (ABC) and Vaccination Programme run by the Delhi Government (MCD and NDMC) through about 9 partner NGOs in Delhi for these canines.
India has been home to the highly intelligent Pariah dog, one of the world's oldest canine breeds, existing in Asia and Africa since human beings first started living in settlements. They co-exist happily with humans, in fact their primary aim in urban settlements is to protect humans and to act as scavengers. It is not for no reason that each dog is fed by local residents and occupies pride of place in poor settlements.
The rationale of the animal sterilization, vaccination and re-release to its original area is a scientifically worked out programme which took years to evolve by WHO, civic authorities the judiciary, backed by success stories round the world starting from America. The concept of sterilization of dogs itself came from San Mateo in the United States, when civic authorities realized that killing dogs had not lead to any decrease in the dog-population. The County of San Mateo passed the resolution to sterilize and this was a great success. This programme is being followed successfully in various parts of America and Canada.
There is scientific thought behind restoring a sterilized dog to his original habitat. Dogs are territorial animals. They mark out their territories based on the food available and they do not let outsiders come in. When these local dogs are removed from their territory, other dogs move in to occupy them. These may not be sterilized so the problem continues for that locality. Dog fights increase as any new dog entering a territory is attacked by the dogs already in that area and non-sterilized dogs continue to mate and produce litters. Rabies continues to spread as none of the dogs in that area are vaccinated against it. The new dogs are hostile to the residents so problems of safety continue. A sterilized and vaccinated dog doesn't breed, they guard their territory from intruders and new dogs, they become docile and don't fight with other dogs during the mating season. You can identify a sterilized and a vaccinated dog by a triangular notch on one of its ears.
The ABC programme has been in place for many years now– and noticeably the rabies incidences have reduced, which is a remarkable achievement by the civic authorities and the NGOs.
Studies by the World Health Organization and the Animal Welfare Board of India show that dog-population control measures which work in developed countries are unsuccessful in developing countries like ours since urban conditions are very different over here. The urban environment in India has two features that encourage stray animal populations-exposed garbage and slums-neither of which exists in developed countries. Stray dogs in developed countries are unable to survive or breed on city streets since they can find nothing to eat. Hence, over there, they are captured, housed in animal shelters, neutered and re-homed.
The 'catch and kill' concept of controlling dog-population was started by the British in the 19th Century. It was continued on a large scale after Independence by the municipal authorities all over India with the aims of eradicating rabies and controlling street dog populations. Statistics in a study done by the MCD from 1980 to 1990 showed that even after the slaughtering of 8 lakh dogs during the 10-year period, the estimated dog population in Delhi remained 1.5 lakhs. MCD could not reduce the population even by one. By 1993, the 'catch and kill' method was admitted to be a complete failure since rabies deaths had actually increased and the dog population was also perceptibly growing. Thus, in 1994, the courts ordered the dog-sterilization-cum-vaccination programme (popularly known as the "Animal Birth Control" or ABC programme) to replace the killing. Similar programmes were started in Mumbai, Kolkatta, Chennai, Jaipur, and Hyderabad after the High Courts in these cities passed similar orders. Finally, seeing the immediate success of the programme, in 2001, the Government of India has ordered this all over India.
Dog-bites are very rarely due to stray dogs. Studies show that over 90% of the dog bites are from pet dogs that are aggressive when it comes to defending their territory or repelling intruders to their homes. Every year the numbers of pet-dogs increase and so do the bites. The 5 % of bites which are due to strays are from dogs that have been hurt by colony residents or bitches whose puppies were being attacked.
Dog is nature's city scavenger. Its specific purpose is to keep garbage, city rats and other non-rodent pests that do not respond to human control in check. If it is removed then, apart from the piling up of huge quantities of garbage, the rat population will also go out of hand. With many cities in India suffering from Dengue and Chikugunya due to unhygienic civic conditions, it is dogs that are responsible for keeping the city's rat population under check. Rats are the carriers of the deadly bubonic plague disease. One pair of rats is ready for breeding within six weeks of being born. Each pair turns into 35,000 rats by the end of each year. No municipal corporation has till date allocated a single-paisa for the destruction of rats. In 1980, one of the reasons why Surat in Gujarat was infected with plague was the decimation of the city's street dogs by the local municipality.
It is practically impossible in a country like ours to dump all street dogs into concentration camps or dog pounds. Where is the space, time and resources to carry out this exercise when there is no space to shift commercial establishments out of residential areas or rehabilitate the slum dwellers?
It makes more sense to let the dog live where it belongs. In fact every responsible and humane RWA should contribute and become a partner in getting their dogs sterilized and vaccinated at any of the animal hospitals set up in Delhi for this purpose.
The question of ownership doesn't arise in this case at all. We talk of passing bills that would give tribal the right to live on forest lands on which they have been living for ages. In case of animals, the place where they are born is the place to which they belong.
The killing method has failed to control rabies in developing countries- including Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Cambodia, North Korea, Afghanistan, Jordan, Syria, Yemen, Bangladesh, Nepal, Ukraine, Uzbekistan. Most of these countries have now adopted the Indian method of ABC.
Dogs are a man’s best friend…and it won’t harm many of us if we were to feed the dog in our street once a day, and we can be sure that we would have a friend by our doorstep delightful to see us every time we step out or come home after a long tiring day…and in this selfish world, it is unconditional love and respect that we all crave for and our very own street dog is perhaps our best bet!
Bureaucrats who retire do one of three things: they lobby to be appointed to some government body so that they can retain their houses; and more often than not they stand for Residents Welfare Associations so that they can bully someone or they write article for the newspapers and the less they know, the more they expound their theories…and more often than not for most RWAs across Delhi and NCR, their favorite subject is ‘Dogs in their colonies’…this article comes at a time when a group of people in Delhi have moved to the High Court with a plea to 'save them from their rabid neighbors'. This is perhaps their last resort to seek justice and peace of mind, because for far too long, many of these Delhiites had been ridiculed and abused, threatened and blackmailed by their (‘rabid’) neighbors for a ‘crime’ of theirs; the fault being that these group of people ‘loved and cared for the street dogs, their much friendlier neighborhood denizen’.
This article is a humble attempt to enlighten you all about our friendly neighborhood street dog and clear the facts about the utility of the Animal Birth Control (ABC) and Vaccination Programme run by the Delhi Government (MCD and NDMC) through about 9 partner NGOs in Delhi for these canines.
India has been home to the highly intelligent Pariah dog, one of the world's oldest canine breeds, existing in Asia and Africa since human beings first started living in settlements. They co-exist happily with humans, in fact their primary aim in urban settlements is to protect humans and to act as scavengers. It is not for no reason that each dog is fed by local residents and occupies pride of place in poor settlements.
The rationale of the animal sterilization, vaccination and re-release to its original area is a scientifically worked out programme which took years to evolve by WHO, civic authorities the judiciary, backed by success stories round the world starting from America. The concept of sterilization of dogs itself came from San Mateo in the United States, when civic authorities realized that killing dogs had not lead to any decrease in the dog-population. The County of San Mateo passed the resolution to sterilize and this was a great success. This programme is being followed successfully in various parts of America and Canada.
There is scientific thought behind restoring a sterilized dog to his original habitat. Dogs are territorial animals. They mark out their territories based on the food available and they do not let outsiders come in. When these local dogs are removed from their territory, other dogs move in to occupy them. These may not be sterilized so the problem continues for that locality. Dog fights increase as any new dog entering a territory is attacked by the dogs already in that area and non-sterilized dogs continue to mate and produce litters. Rabies continues to spread as none of the dogs in that area are vaccinated against it. The new dogs are hostile to the residents so problems of safety continue. A sterilized and vaccinated dog doesn't breed, they guard their territory from intruders and new dogs, they become docile and don't fight with other dogs during the mating season. You can identify a sterilized and a vaccinated dog by a triangular notch on one of its ears.
The ABC programme has been in place for many years now– and noticeably the rabies incidences have reduced, which is a remarkable achievement by the civic authorities and the NGOs.
Studies by the World Health Organization and the Animal Welfare Board of India show that dog-population control measures which work in developed countries are unsuccessful in developing countries like ours since urban conditions are very different over here. The urban environment in India has two features that encourage stray animal populations-exposed garbage and slums-neither of which exists in developed countries. Stray dogs in developed countries are unable to survive or breed on city streets since they can find nothing to eat. Hence, over there, they are captured, housed in animal shelters, neutered and re-homed.
The 'catch and kill' concept of controlling dog-population was started by the British in the 19th Century. It was continued on a large scale after Independence by the municipal authorities all over India with the aims of eradicating rabies and controlling street dog populations. Statistics in a study done by the MCD from 1980 to 1990 showed that even after the slaughtering of 8 lakh dogs during the 10-year period, the estimated dog population in Delhi remained 1.5 lakhs. MCD could not reduce the population even by one. By 1993, the 'catch and kill' method was admitted to be a complete failure since rabies deaths had actually increased and the dog population was also perceptibly growing. Thus, in 1994, the courts ordered the dog-sterilization-cum-vaccination programme (popularly known as the "Animal Birth Control" or ABC programme) to replace the killing. Similar programmes were started in Mumbai, Kolkatta, Chennai, Jaipur, and Hyderabad after the High Courts in these cities passed similar orders. Finally, seeing the immediate success of the programme, in 2001, the Government of India has ordered this all over India.
Dog-bites are very rarely due to stray dogs. Studies show that over 90% of the dog bites are from pet dogs that are aggressive when it comes to defending their territory or repelling intruders to their homes. Every year the numbers of pet-dogs increase and so do the bites. The 5 % of bites which are due to strays are from dogs that have been hurt by colony residents or bitches whose puppies were being attacked.
Dog is nature's city scavenger. Its specific purpose is to keep garbage, city rats and other non-rodent pests that do not respond to human control in check. If it is removed then, apart from the piling up of huge quantities of garbage, the rat population will also go out of hand. With many cities in India suffering from Dengue and Chikugunya due to unhygienic civic conditions, it is dogs that are responsible for keeping the city's rat population under check. Rats are the carriers of the deadly bubonic plague disease. One pair of rats is ready for breeding within six weeks of being born. Each pair turns into 35,000 rats by the end of each year. No municipal corporation has till date allocated a single-paisa for the destruction of rats. In 1980, one of the reasons why Surat in Gujarat was infected with plague was the decimation of the city's street dogs by the local municipality.
It is practically impossible in a country like ours to dump all street dogs into concentration camps or dog pounds. Where is the space, time and resources to carry out this exercise when there is no space to shift commercial establishments out of residential areas or rehabilitate the slum dwellers?
It makes more sense to let the dog live where it belongs. In fact every responsible and humane RWA should contribute and become a partner in getting their dogs sterilized and vaccinated at any of the animal hospitals set up in Delhi for this purpose.
The question of ownership doesn't arise in this case at all. We talk of passing bills that would give tribal the right to live on forest lands on which they have been living for ages. In case of animals, the place where they are born is the place to which they belong.
The killing method has failed to control rabies in developing countries- including Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Cambodia, North Korea, Afghanistan, Jordan, Syria, Yemen, Bangladesh, Nepal, Ukraine, Uzbekistan. Most of these countries have now adopted the Indian method of ABC.
Dogs are a man’s best friend…and it won’t harm many of us if we were to feed the dog in our street once a day, and we can be sure that we would have a friend by our doorstep delightful to see us every time we step out or come home after a long tiring day…and in this selfish world, it is unconditional love and respect that we all crave for and our very own street dog is perhaps our best bet!
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
‘Online Travel Agents Increasingly Popular For Indian Travelers’
Mumbai (India) (Mediabharti Syndication Service) 02 September: Online Travel Agents (OTAs) are becoming the next big thing for Indians’ various travel related bookings according to an India Online Travel Agent Study conducted by The Nielsen Company. According to Nielsen, OTAs are the most used online method for booking airline tickets, hotels, and holidays, boding well for the future potential of the industry- with over 80 percent of Indians positively disposed towards Online Travel Agents. The Nielsen study further found that the majority of Indians who haven’t yet made any booking using Online Travel Agents had checked these sites for information and were positively inclined to make bookings in the future.
Yatra, MakeMyTrip, and Travel Guru are the strongest players in the OTA segment, according to Nielsen.
Some other players like Leela World Travel etc. are also emerging as new giants in the arena according to other agencies.
As per the Nielsen study, one third (34%) of Indians book airline tickets using Online Travel Agents, 17 percent book hotels and holidays using OTAs and 14 percent book train tickets using these sites. OTAs have garnered a significant share of the airline ticket booking, considerably higher than even the company website of the airlines. The main alternatives to Online Travel Agents include traditional travel agents/tour operators, booking offices of hotels, and railway website for train booking.
“Given the growing penetration of the Internet in India, Online Travel Agents are becoming increasingly popularity amongst Indians. Consumers also find it quite convenient to book their tickets using these sites as it saves them time and effort required to make their reservations compared to other forms of bookings,” said Vatsala Pant, Director, Consumer Research, The Nielsen Company.
It is interesting to note that OTA sites are surfed by a majority of people even if they don’t end up booking from the site. More than two thirds (77%) of Internet-connected Indians use OTA sites to search for airline information, 65 percent use the sites to search for train information, 59 percent for hotel and 57 percent for information on holidays.
“This is a sign of increasing popularity and awareness amongst consumers of the online booking mode, and though they don’t make bookings currently it won’t be long before they convert,” said Pant.
According to the Nielsen India Online Travel Agent Study, Brand Awareness is the major driver of brand equity in this segment. Brand Personality is a distant second factor which enhances equity of an Online Travel Agent. In a price sensitive country like India, Price is only third in the list of factors that affect the equity of an OTA brand. Amongst users of OTA sites the image of the brand plays a more important role than the product related offerings like Price and Services of the agent. However, for non-users of OTA Price does command importance.
“Having good awareness is a necessity to succeed in the OTA segment. Playing a price game will not take the image of the brand very far,” continued Pant.
Some image attributes that have high correlation with brand equity are attractive promotional offers and schemes and cheaper air tickets compared to other OTAs’, and tie-up with many airlines.
The key deterrents to using Online Travel Agents by non-users is that the Rates offered are not the cheapest as claimed by the agents (33%). Consumers also stay away from OTAs because they consider Cancellation/Modification procedure very tedious (24%) on these sites. Lack of transparency in dealings is another reason that holds non-users of the category from making bookings through Online Travel Agents.
Yatra, MakeMyTrip, and Travel Guru are the strongest players in the OTA segment, according to Nielsen.
Some other players like Leela World Travel etc. are also emerging as new giants in the arena according to other agencies.
As per the Nielsen study, one third (34%) of Indians book airline tickets using Online Travel Agents, 17 percent book hotels and holidays using OTAs and 14 percent book train tickets using these sites. OTAs have garnered a significant share of the airline ticket booking, considerably higher than even the company website of the airlines. The main alternatives to Online Travel Agents include traditional travel agents/tour operators, booking offices of hotels, and railway website for train booking.
“Given the growing penetration of the Internet in India, Online Travel Agents are becoming increasingly popularity amongst Indians. Consumers also find it quite convenient to book their tickets using these sites as it saves them time and effort required to make their reservations compared to other forms of bookings,” said Vatsala Pant, Director, Consumer Research, The Nielsen Company.
It is interesting to note that OTA sites are surfed by a majority of people even if they don’t end up booking from the site. More than two thirds (77%) of Internet-connected Indians use OTA sites to search for airline information, 65 percent use the sites to search for train information, 59 percent for hotel and 57 percent for information on holidays.
“This is a sign of increasing popularity and awareness amongst consumers of the online booking mode, and though they don’t make bookings currently it won’t be long before they convert,” said Pant.
According to the Nielsen India Online Travel Agent Study, Brand Awareness is the major driver of brand equity in this segment. Brand Personality is a distant second factor which enhances equity of an Online Travel Agent. In a price sensitive country like India, Price is only third in the list of factors that affect the equity of an OTA brand. Amongst users of OTA sites the image of the brand plays a more important role than the product related offerings like Price and Services of the agent. However, for non-users of OTA Price does command importance.
“Having good awareness is a necessity to succeed in the OTA segment. Playing a price game will not take the image of the brand very far,” continued Pant.
Some image attributes that have high correlation with brand equity are attractive promotional offers and schemes and cheaper air tickets compared to other OTAs’, and tie-up with many airlines.
The key deterrents to using Online Travel Agents by non-users is that the Rates offered are not the cheapest as claimed by the agents (33%). Consumers also stay away from OTAs because they consider Cancellation/Modification procedure very tedious (24%) on these sites. Lack of transparency in dealings is another reason that holds non-users of the category from making bookings through Online Travel Agents.
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